About Us




Whatever our level of expertise and talent we are always learning. 

As Pablo Picasso said "the artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web".

So how do you get onto this road of learning?

At Bafa we want to

  • Nurture our members with constant encouragement
  • Create an environment where it is safe to seek help from other members
  • Where constructive criticism is offered not belittlement, whatever the standard
  • Share our expertise by helping others.


• Chair

Clare Tebboth

 Vice Chair

James Rowell

• Secretary

Emily Pool


Martin Benns

• Committee Members

John Whitehead

Dilys Benjafield

Derryn Snowdon

Honarary President

Lindsey Graham


  • Sir Edmund R Verney 6th Baronet
  • Guy St John Scott
  • Anita Lannen
  • Debs Last
  • Peter Baker
  • Barbara Chivers

February 2018 - Happy 10th Birthday Bafa!!!

Our 10th brthday found us partying in The Cote to celebrate a milestone in Bafa's short history!  It was preceeded by the AGM, and we were thrilled to see so many of you turn up in time to hear our reports, confirm the committee for another year and show your support for the future of Bafa.  Our thanks go to Peter Baker and Lindsey Graham for leading the evening with words of how it all started and the help recieved from so many.  After the food, Mayor Jon Harvey very kindly cut the cake.  Our Patron, John Bercow was due to visit unfortunately he had to cut his visit to Buckingham short due to family circumstances but he sent his good wishes to all of our members on the occasion of our birthday!

Exciting News!

March 2018 saw Bafa shortlisted for an Epic Award!! The Epic Awards celebrate the achievements of voluntary arts groups across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.  To learn more about the awards please look at the Voluntary arts website.